In this week’s episode of Chew The Fat, we are sitting down for a chat with none other than Nigella Lawson. One of the most iconic food writers in the world right now, with eleven books to her name, Nigella landed in Dublin this week for a special show at the National Concert Hall celebrating 20 years of “How To Eat”, her debut book, and we were lucky to be able to get some time to sit down and chat through a range of topics.
We have met Nigella a couple of times at various book signings, as many do. But over the past few years, we’ve regularly been in touch with each other over Twitter and we were all delighted that we managed to arrange some time to record an episode of Chew The Fat while Nigella was in town on a flying visit following her show at the National Concert Hall. Throughout our chat, what is obvious to us is the sheer love of food that she possesses and it’s hard not to find that joy utterly infectious. In our hour long podcast, we chat about our favourite foods, what Nigella enjoys most about Ireland, who inspired her as a food writer as well as an in-depth discussion about a mutual passion of ours – chips!
Nigella’s show, “An Evening with Nigella” is currently touring around the UK & Ireland, and will reach Australia in 2019 too. About two hours of stories, musings, questions and answers with plenty of laughs thrown in for good measure too. It’s worth checking out the schedule here if you are interested in the UK dates, and here for the Australian shows.