Snapshots: April

Another month has flown by and we’ve been up to some exciting stuff!

We took a long-awaited trip back to Ireland over Easter and visited our friends and family in Drogheda and Dublin, plus spent a day visiting some new cafés and restaurants in Dublin for a big picture post that’s coming in a short while.

We’re going full throttle into our audio posts on SoundCloud, having done three of them already. Have you listened in? Let us know what you think and tell us your own opinions, we will be posting one every week. Keep an eye out for our newest Songs Of Proves playlist too! We adore music and always have it banging on when cooking in the kitchen, so we love sharing our favourite tunes of the moment with you all!

Now, announcement time. We’ve some news to share; we’re going to be leaving our home in London next month…

We have just gotten the green light for a brand new flat in Peckham, south London, so we will be coming to you from there from mid-June. We’re so excited to explore south London again (having lived there briefly when we moved over last year) and, though we will be sad to say goodbye to Stratford and the East End, we think we will appreciate the East even more now by taking frequent trips back up there. There’s tonnes of places we have yet to visit, review and enjoy in East London, so we will of course still be bringing you lots of content from there.

May, for us, marks Eurovision, the beginning of Summer with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and possibly a beginning to Rusty’s favourite time of every year – Pimm’s season! We’ve lots of friends and family coming to visit us over the next two months so we can’t wait to show them the beauty and bounty of London (as we are getting quite good at now), so keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook page for our daily activities, you can also see lots of our pictures on Instagram – RussellJames91 and iPadzorz.


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