Throughout 2020 we’ve worked consistently with Lidl Ireland on several bits of content, from recipe development to Instagram Lives, and a big part of that has been cocktails –– so much so we’re now fondly remembering 2020 as “The Year of the Cocktail” in our book! As the final chapter to this testing year, we’re sharing one of our most proud creations to date: the Snow S’more –– a cocktail twist on that iconic all American fireside treat, the s’more! Your own personal winter wonderland in every single sip…

Using ingredients widely available (and all which you can pick up in your local Lidl) we wanted to share the full recipe here so you can recreate wherever you’re celebrating. Bearing in mind we all might be celebrating in a much, much smaller or different way this year than normal or than had been planned, but we hope this cocktail idea will bring a little festive fabulousness to your celebrations and entertaining –– even if it’s just to treat yourself (and then show it off on Instagram!)

Snow S’more
Makes one
If your perfect vision of the festive season is curling up in front of the fire, wrapped in blankets with carols gently lulling and sipping on something warm, strong and comforting, this take on a chocolate martini is just the ticket!
- 35ml Korol Vodka
- 25ml white rum
- 50ml hot chocolate mix*
- 1 egg white
- 10ml simple syrup
- A handful of digestive biscuits
- Large marshmallows
- Optional: Chocolate sauce, for drizzle

1. *To make the hot chocolate mix, add 3 tbsp of hot chocolate powder to a mug and mix with 1.5 tbsp hot water or enough water to bring it to a chocolate sauce consistency which runs in a continuous stream from a spoon. Stir to remove any lumps, set to one side to cool completely.
2. To make the biscuit rim, pulse a handful of digestive biscuits (or biscuits of your choice) in a food processor until very fine. Ensure the crumb is as fine as sand, with no lumpy rubble. If you don’t have a food processor you can make this by bashing with a heavy rolling pin in a zip-lock bag. Pour into a small, lipped baking dish and in another dish set about 1/2 inch of water in it, placing them side by side. Chill your coupe glasses in the fridge.
3. After chilling your glasses, drizzle some very thick chocolate sauce in a thin line as a pattern around the inside of the coupe taking care not to get any on the outside, then immediately and quickly turn upside down and allow just the rim of the glass to sit in the water before immediately dunking the same bit upturned into the biscuit mix. Turn right-side up and you should have a biscuit rim right around the top of the glass with a chocolate drizzle inside.
4. For the cocktail itself, first dry shake –– which means shaking some ingredients without ice. Add the vodka, rum and egg white to a cocktail shaker, clamp on a lid and shake for 25 seconds vigorously to begin the process of creating a ‘foam’. Remove the lid, then ‘wet’ shake by adding the drinking chocolate mix, simple syrup and a handful of ice, then return the lid and shake vigorously for at least 30 seconds, until the exterior of the shaker is freezing cold. Strain into the coupe.
5. Finally, make the toasted marshmallow –– note: you will need a small blow torch. Soak some cocktail/bartender sticks in water before skewering 2-3 marshmallows and, taking caution, lightly blow torch three sides of the marshmallows (you can do this by sitting them on a heat-proof dish like a baking tray) until golden and starting to turn sticky. Sit the toasted marshmallow, still on the stick, with the un-torched side in or just sitting on the surface of the cocktail, to one side of the glass. Serve immediately.