Snapshots: October 2014

We’re a tad late with this one for a change, but only because November has been hectic so far and we’re still getting our shit together and getting over October being a month of emotional ‘goodbyes’…

October was nonetheless a very fun month, which kicked off by putting ON our dancing shoes and spending some time with our favourite pint-sized Aussie, Queen Kylie, where we shuffled drunkenly to the laser show and megamix of all her hits at London’s O2 Arena for her #KissMeOnce tour. If you haven’t heard her exclusive unreleased track in last month’s #SongsOfProves playlist you’re missing out on a fantastic contemporary direction she’s taken. Listen to it, trust us.

russell and patrick ireland

We then dashed home quickly for a little break and to see off some family who are going on a whirlwind six month tour across the world, taking in every continent along the way… Not jealous at all. We also had to wave farewell, for the second time this year, to a really special part of our London lives, Katie Crooks, who has gone back to Northern Ireland and left us heartbroken, but more than excuse enough now for us to make that long-awaited return to Northern Ireland for a little trip.

roo and crookers

We lost the run of ourselves and even photographed our full spread of Christmas recipes which will be up on the blog very very soon (“but not too soon;” we echo your thoughts) . It did feel awfully weird having Christmas decorations and eating a full Christmas dinner half way through October but it was rather fun, and two Christmases is better than none.

irish coffee

We are loving the refreshing chill in the air, and having an excuse to rock out our enviable scarf collection, as well aswarm knit jumpers and trying (as we do every year) to shop for the illustrious ‘perfect winter coat’ we all dream of and need desperately. Autumn and winter are such beautiful seasons and we love exploring London during it. Here’s a look back on our month through pictures:

We are on all the social channels you are, so follow us on Twitter, Facebook and our fast-growing Instagram. Don’t forget to keep pressing play on our monthly Songs of Proves playlist posts, where we supply 45 minutes of need-to-hear music to soundtrack your kitchen adventures, November’s offering is simply one click away...


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