Chew The Fat is back! And we’re delighted to be back with a special live episode of the podcast recorded at Samhain 2019, a wonderful celebration of 5,000 years of Irish food & culture which took place in Kells, Co Meath in November 2019.

Sit back and ponder along with us as we put Irish food on trial. What is Irish food? What can we class as Irish food? What do we learn from the past that can help our future. We don’t have answers but we do have questions and you as the jury can decide for yourself what the verdict is. Delighted to feature two amazing guests too in this – Marita Varley from Drummond House Garlic (who you will remember from our very first episode!) plus Janice Casey-Bracken, chef, local food champion, real bread advocate and instructor at the Irish Country Woman’s Association HQ, at An Grianan in Co Louth.